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Akbar Birbal Story - Part 64

Once there lived a poor woman who used to cook for other people to earn money. Every month, she used to save a certain portion of her money so that she could have a peaceful life in the future. Her earnings were very dear to her. One day a few of her known people decided to go on a pilgrimage. She decided to join them in the journey but was worried about her small fortune. Neither did she want to carry so much money nor leave it unattended. 

The poor lady finally decided to seek help from a sage. Sage declined to have to do anything with it but when she persisted, he asked her to bury it in his ashram with a warning that he is not responsible for it. After burying the money, she left for the pilgrimage
On her return, she went straight to the sage in his “ashram” to get her money back but was stunned to find nothing upon digging the place where she hid it. Money was nowhere to be found. She could not blame the sage as he had already renounced himself from having to do anything with it, so she sought help from Birbal. After listening to her story Birbal made a plan and sent two of his guards to the sage to seek help with their wealth. 
One of the soldiers asked the sage to hide his brother’s fortune as he was going out of town. At the same time, the old lady visited the saint and asked for her wealth. 
This time sage worrying that he might loose the big fortune for small pittance of the old lady, hurriedly shower her where the money was. As soon as she got her wealth back, the second soldier came around announcing that the brother was back in town and first soldier doesn’t need to hide his treasure. Thus the fraud sage was left with nothing.
